About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Cybergeo, the electronic European Journal of Geography, is intended to promote faster communication of research and greater direct contact between authors and readers. Created with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas, methods and results, it publishes in any european language. It deals with the entire range of geographical concerns and interests, with no preferences for any particular school or theme. A high scientific standard is ensured by submitting articles to an international committee of readers. By hosting discussion and mailing list the journal aims to stimulate open debate and intellectual exchange. Access to the published articles is facilitated by a system of headings and key-words. For as long as is possible, access will be kept unrestricted and free of charge.

CYBERGEO is intended as a response to the specific needs of academic communication, by offering the possibility of a rapid exchange of information, immediate feedback on articles and events relevant to geography, on-going discussions, the latest research on specific questions, offers of results or documents, information about the availability of maps, and so on. CYBERGEO aims to be an instrument for networking the geographical community, as well as helping to increase the external visibility of the discipline.

Peer Review Process

Presentation of articles Articles are submitted for approval by an editorial committee using the following procedure :

  • Authors should deposit their manuscript to the following website: http://manuscrits.revues.org/index.php/cybergeo

  • The article is presented to the Editorial Committee and two members are in charge to read it and give their appreciation.

  • After discussion by the Editorial Committee, a summary of this information (acceptance or rejection, requests for changes or additions) is sent to the author, who can then download a modified version of the article.

Accepted articles are then published on-line and can be consulted without restriction on the server.